The System 1200, introduced in 1970, was designed by Mr. Horst Blüm to acquaint the student with the ‘axioms’ of switching (logic) algebra and Boolean algebra. 16 Boolean functions are explored derived from the two binary variables of 0 and 1.
The System 1200 was accompanied with the Lehr-und Lernkartei (teaching and learning cards) documentation set and was printed exclusively in the A5 format. The teaching and learning cards may be downloaded/reviewed HERE.
The System 1200 earned the IF World Design product design award in 1970. According to the award selector, Mr. Franco Clivio, “Intelligent didactic design characterizes this learning system for understanding electronics. Unfortunately, it was met with very low market acceptance.”
The 1200 curriculum overview is presented below. Unfortunately, the curriculum was available only in German.