Mr. Frank De Jaeger began communicating with me during the summer of 2019 looking for some counsel about purchasing a Lectron System.  He had seen numerous offerings on eBay of legacy models but was aware of the new product line being sold by the Reha Werkstatt Oberrad (RWO) located in Frankfurt.  He took the plunge in July and purchased the Expert System 1205 – Op Amp Labor.  

He has made numerous contributions to Lectron.Info with detailed posts going over experiments from the manual and those of his own design.  He has also started to make instructional videos which will be seen very soon here in Lectron.Info’s Forum.  As our newest Lectron Luminary, I asked him for a background story of himself and his involvement with the Lectron System.  Welcome Frank and thanks so much for your counsel and help!


I was born in March of 1965 and grew up in Belgium’s countryside.

In 1977 I received my first Science Fair kit as a Christmas present which started my exploration of science.

My first contact with the Lectron System occurred when visiting a neighbors’ home during the summer of 1978.  I was presented with a Lectron-Braun kit to experiment with. To my recollection, I believe it was a Grundsystem. It had two transistors, a medium wave coil, a battery block et cetera. I remember comparing the Science Fair kit to the Lectron System kit.  Unfortunately, I couldn’t bring it home because it belonged to their son!

Strangely enough, I never forgot about the Lectron System and as time moved on, I began to experience an interest in electronics.

After studying and achieving a bachelor’s degree in electro-mechanics, I found a job as an electronic repair technician and I’m still doing this. My job is to repair electronic equipment such as television sets, cd players, audio amplifiers, video recorders et cetera.

Nowadays, electronics is more CPU and digital oriented and so is all the equipment. Luckily, analogue electronics is not completely forgotten.

In my spare time, I started to collect electronic experimental kits such as Busch, Philips, Science Fair and the like.

I love to tinker outside the confines of the instruction manual, exploring, improving and enhancing circuits and pushing the boundaries to achieve the best result possible. The challenge was also to use only the available components.

Thanks to internet, I rediscovered the Lectron System and through Lectron.Info and, I decided to purchase the 1205 Op Amp laboratory set.

So, I love to continue to dabble about with this system and invent new circuits. What I really like about the Lectron System is the fact that it uses sturdy transparent cubes with magnetic connections. These are so reliable and versatile and can so easily be swapped with each other. Also a metallic ground plane and ground blocks make the whole system easy to experiment with.

I really think is a very good set to learn all about electronics in a fast way, no soldering and no wiring.

So far, I’m still experimenting with the Start and Expansion sets. These offer so many possibilities and I will love to make contributions about circuits and improvements.

Although the manual is very well written and fairly easy to understand for a novice, I’d love to use the Lectron System to go for a more in-depth approach of electronic theories.

I found out that the young technicians of today are not so familiar anymore with the basics of electronics, so I hope that the Lectron System will help to fill in this gap.

Thankfully, Mr. Michael Peters of Lectron.Info is a very kind, dedicated and skillful website developer and on his forum I can post all my inventions and stuff.

With best regards to fellow Lectron System enthusiasts,