The Minisystem model has long roots (including the spelling variations of its name) going back to the Egger era. Egger announced it as the Mini-Lectron in 1967 but did not release it because of going out of business that Fall. Deutsch Lectron changed the styrofoam from the Egger black to the Braun white and Braun released it as their entry level Minisystem model.
Braun ultimately released the Minisystem in two versions (as they did for the entire Egger product line with the exception of the model 8400) – the first using the styrofoam packaging and the second using the cassette packaging.
The LectronMW Era Mini-System is the Braun version 2. There was no block or content difference between the LectronMW era and the Braun Minisystem model.
A ‘book’ version was also using the same LectronMW grey label.