Welcome to the Lectron.Info website! I am so glad that you came by to visit and enter the wonderful and fascinating Universe of the Lectron System. Please consider becoming a Lectroneer by creating your own login account and participating in the Lectron.Info Forum. Your fellow Lectroneers would greatly enjoy hearing from you!
Long-time Lectron.Info visitors will notice a new look and feel to the website. In fact this is a completely new website that I am building on the WordPress CMS platform.
The original Lectron.Info is still available for visiting and has all the original information available on it. Please note however that this site will not be maintained or updated. Researchers should therefore not consider this site to be authoritative.
New features for Lectron.Info include Register and Login functions which will allow comments on all the posts, a Contact the Curator form supporting email communications, and most recently a fully functioning Forum Board. Additional features will be added (as soon as I understand how to use the rich tool set that the WP platform provides😉.) Keep abreast of my progress with the Lectron.Info Website Development post.
Thank you for visiting!
Your curator,
Michael Peters
Hi Michael, it’s now an absolutely great website with so many functions and possibilities – congratulations!
Hopefully we all together can this splendid idea make more public and useful for many interested people!
Cheers for the next years coming up – best G.
Thanks so much for your participation Guenther!
For my fellow Lectroneers information, Guenther has been traveling this journey to figure out the Lectron System history with me since 2012 and has joined me on all my trips to Germany (with the exception of this year due to very high priority prior obligations) to facilitate with his expert knowledge on electronics and has provided critical translation services as well. Lectron.Info would not exist without Guenther’s long standing support and interest.
Thanks again Guenther!
Hi Michael,
The new website looks great! I recently acquired a Raytheon Series 2 and, with your help, built my first Lectron project, Experiment 14, Transistor Amplifier/Two-Transistor Radio.
Suggestion: The font I’m using to type this comment is really small (I’m using Chrome on Windows 7). Could you increase the size of the comment entry font? Note that the published comments have a much larger font and are easy to read so no change is needed there.
Thanks and best of luck,
Hi Bob,
Thanks so much for joining!
I am so pleased that your Lectron System journey has begun. How many stations could you receive with the AM radio?
I have changed the comment entry font as you suggested and made it even larger than the comment read font to make it easier on older eyes like mine for doing text entry!
I can pick up only one station. It actually sounds like two stations superimposed. Not bad for a 50-year-old kit.
Well I guess one is better than none! How many stations should you be able to receive at your location? AM radio is not exactly current technology!
Hi Tester-007,
I’m listening in Tempe, Arizona and according to this:
There are 7 AM stations within 10 miles, 6 more within 15 miles, and 5 more within 20 miles.
I guess the circuit design needs better RF amplification than the one stage approach with the 680K biased transistor. Of course a more effective antenna system would help too!
Thanks for working on the new website!
Hi David and welcome aboard!
Thanks very much for registering and commenting. I look forward to your participation in the future when I have the “How Did You Become Involved With The Lectron System” page/post area. Please accept my best wishes for your continued success in all your endeavors.
Hello Michael,
What a metamorphosis, the colour scheme is well chosen. The comment possibility is a great way to interact with the publishings.
I have some questions about the Lectron system, how can I contact you ?
Many greetings
Thanks very much for your comment Frank! I will be contacting you by email for further communications. Best regards and welcome!