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    • #8742

        A year ago, our dear Mr. Michael Peters surprised everyone with the restyled !

        Thanks to the information he provided I was able to purchase the Lectron 1205 Op-Amp Laboratorium set from

        I know Braun Lectron quite a long time (I had the chance to experiment with it when visiting the neighbours when I was about 12 years old) and never forgot it.

        So, you understand how lucky I was with all those information on

        To celebrate and honor Michael, I’ve bundled the experiments about oscillators on this forum.

        I proudly present a pdf book in the style of the original RWO Lectron manuals.

        You’ll discover that the pages are not numbered and there’s no index. This will make it easy to add contributions of other Lectroneers.

        If you like your circuits to be added, I will do this with all pleasure. I will test these first and make a Splan layout. You can provide your own words (describtion and working principle) to accompany the diagram

        There will be more books to follow, each about a specific domain of electronics.

        You can download this for free via this link.

        This pdf  has been placed in a dedicated folder on the Lectron Google drive.
        You can download and print it out like a real Lectron manual !

        So, happy birthday and for all Lectroneers, happy experimenting !


        • This topic was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by LectronFan.
        • This topic was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by LectronFan. Reason: Manual needs updating
      • #8744

          What a wonderful idea, I love it.  More circuits for everybody, which is always a good thing.

        • #8746

            Frank, what a great idea and work – thank you so much!

            I urgently need to take a week off to study your book – hopefully it will work out soon 😉

          • #8748

              I am very moved and thankful to have such Lectroneer friends!

              Thank you Frank for this wonderful gift of your new book.  This will be so helpful to the Lectroneer community to learn new things about electronics and introduce Lectron.Info visitors with the opportunity to experience how great a learning platform the Lectron System is.

              Thank you also for creating this treasure trove of information in English.  I believe all this information will reach a far greater audience with this approach.

              I am very excited to know that this first book is just the beginning of the journey!  I think that you have a great idea in inviting other Lectroneers to participate in future books.

              Thank you Frank for all your hard work and important contributions.  I will be working on the Google Drive transfer function this weekend and will create an account for you.

              Best regards,


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