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    • #8749

        Hi all,

        Since I’m somewhat short of empty blocks, I thought it would be a good idea to make 3D printed white covers.

        I would use the transparent bottom parts with all magnets and contact plates.

        Inside the new white cover, there would be sleeves to insert a PCB with a circuit or part.

        This could be wired to the contact plates by using small detachable connectors.

        By reusing the transparent bottom parts and exchanging the white cover, it would be easy to make new blocks.
        A colleague of mine was so kind to make a 3D replica of the higher legacy battery block.

        He can print any shape : rectangle, square, flat surface, …

        He added extra studs in the corners for strength. It fits perfectly to the transparent base and has exactly the same dimensions of the original (in the background).


        Here are some pictures :

        3D part 1

        3D part 2

      • #8752

          Wow, 3D printing of Lectron System blocks!  This is amazing!!  No molds.  Mr. Schrank had told me that new molds cost 100,000.00 Euros!  This is a very exciting innovation Frank, well done to you and your colleague 🙂

        • #8772

            That’s really phantastic – even the lugs to fix the upper part in the clear lower part with the contacts. And the sleeves for different PCBs is a very worthful detail. That could be a new business case 🙂

            In the last weeks I spend nearly 100 EUR to purchase very old Lectron sets (from the well known internet auction platform…) with a couple of this higher blocks for future projects, because these were available only until 1969!

            A tuner block for an AM Broadcast superhet may look like this:

            Here the double variable capacitor block is mounted at the smaller side to have enough place for a ferrit antenna with a movable (!) coil for best results. The mixer/oscillator stage (transistor, oscillator coil etc.) is in an extra block. With a flat ferrite antenna and a long-side-mounted var-cap block a PCB with all components are possible, too.

            As a shortwave superhet all components can be placed on a PCB within this higher block because the input coil and oscillator coil are can be chosen suitable.

            Thank you – and your colleague – again for this great result!

          • #8774

              Hello Guenther,

              That is one of the reasons that this white module was printed.

              I would love to mount a variable capacitor and oscillator circuit for the radio in this.
              I will need more 3D blocks for the MF and amplifier.

              To be continued for sure.



            • #8895

                Do you have STL or other CAD files for the 3D print?


              • #8896

                  Hi Thomas,

                  A somewhat late reply but things got a bit hectic lately.

                  Welcome to this forum !

                  I asked my colleague, who created these and also knows the Lectron system, about these files and this is what he answered …

                  How about this idea ? Let’s make a fun and educational game around this.

                  Why doesn’t he create an unpublished circuit around the Lectron system and publish a picture of it in this forum ?

                  I loved this idea 😛

                  The circuit should be complex enough to be entertaining and must be build around the basic and expansion set or the legacy set.
                  What do you think of this ? It feels like a challenge with a winning price 😀

                  I will gratitude you with a file of the 3D print.

                  Here’s a new design for the 4×4 block. The lid has 4 fixings at the corners so it can easily be removed when needed. When put on top the clear case, it sits firmly.

                  Many greetings
                  4x4 block 3D
                  4x4 block cover

                  • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by LectronFan.
                  • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by LectronFan.
                  • #8904

                      Thanks very much Frank, great idea to frame this within a new circuit challenge!  Best, Michael.

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