
    This set (8400) was offered by Braun AG end of 1967 and in 1968 (DM 420.00) – but not in the following year.

    These set of blocks were further offered in 1970 as LABOR BASIS (DM 499.00), together with digital blocks = LABOR AUSBAU 1 (DM 348.00), power supply etc. in plastic trays and stacking cassettes = LABOR SPECIAL (DM 830.00). The LABOR SPECIAL in 1971 – as the only Labor version, and in 1972 as LABOR SPECIAL SK (DM 1048.00).

    The newspaper with the “silly” 4 LED circuit (one for each week before Christmas) and the dark haired young man we know already from the old Lectron website. It’ s an article about the Frankfurter Verein e.V. and the Reha group assembling Lectron blocks.

    => Meanwhile I have found the PDF with this newspaper article: Dec. 23, 2003 in “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung – FAZ -” reporting from the Lectron Group (Frankfurter Verein e.V.) <=



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    • This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by Guenther.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by Guenther.