
    Hello Michael and dear readers,

    To honor Mr. CvS and Mr. Kopperschmidt for their realization and Mr. Michael Peters for his idea, I proudly present a FM radio with a Baxandall tone control.

    This active control amplifies or weakens the lower and higher tones. It makes a huge difference concerning sound quality.  This control circuit is often used in amplifiers.

    You can always use the DIN or CINCH connection block and use a mp3 player or similar as input (as seen in the 3-stage amplifier project).

    Thanks to the Lectron system, this circuit is build in no more then 2 minutes !

    Oh yes, I’ve changed the input capacitor C1 into 0,47µF to improve the bass response.

    Here is the diagram, try it out and be surprised !

    Many greetings

    Fm Baxandall


    • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by Michael.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by Michael. Reason: Changed font and size styling for easier reading